Insertion in food retailer

List of the signes we provided at the moment

Altasfera Cash & Carry ARD Discount Auchan Bigstore
Billa C+C Conad Conforama
Despar Dimeglio Dok Famila Superstore
Famila Galassia GDA Girandola
Gulliver IN'S Iper Famila Iper Le Dune
Iperal Iper Pan Kanguro MaXiSconto
Migross Oasi Orvea PAM
Panorama Penny Market Pianeta Conad PRIX
REWE Sì Con Te SuperConti Super Dì
Super MAC Tigre Tigros Todis

List of the signes we provided in Croazia

Konzum Mercator Spar

List of the signes we provided in Slovenia


List of the signes we provided in Romania


List of the signes we provided in Repubblica Ceca

List of the signes we provided in Francia

List of the signes we provided in Spagna


List of the signes we provided in Portogallo
